Information for Contributors

Manuscripts for JPG can now be submitted electronically through the dedicated Manuscript Central website at:


The Journal of Petroleum Geology is an independent, international, English-language quarterly journal, devoted to the geology of oil and natural gas. The editorial content is restricted to original papers on aspects of the genesis and accumulation of petroleum, on the geology of oil-and gasfields and on reservoir evaluation and basin modelling techniques.

Authors wishing to submit paper MSs should send them to the Editorial Director, Scientific Press Ltd., PO Box 21, Beaconsfield, Bucks., HP9 1NS, UK.

MSs submitted to the Journal should present previously unpublished data or interpretations; they should not be submitted elsewhere while under editorial consideration.

All contributions are closely reviewed for technical content and general presentation.

JPG aims to publish papers of quality within 9-12 months of initial manuscript receipt. However, editorial amendment (where necessary) will inevitably cause delay in publication.

Each author is offered two pages of colour free of charge.


Presentation: The text should be clearly presented (double-spaced) and free of all corrections. Figures should be separate from the text; each figure should be presented on a separate A4 sheet.


Illustrations and Tables

Copies of artwork should accompany the MS when submitted, but original diagrams or photographs should not be sent until requested.

The number of illustrations submitted should be in reasonable proportion to the length of the text. Authors should pay particular attention to the clarity and spelling of any lettering on the diagrams, and some reduction in size should be allowed for.

When requested, authors should supply figures both on paper (as high quality prints suitable for scanning), and also in digital format on CD (saved as both high-resolution tifs and native files).

Click here for details of digital graphics files JPG can generally accept.

All illustrations should be clearly numbered with the Author's name written on the reverse side and be keyed to a separately-prepared caption.

Figures should be designed not to extend beyond the Journal's print area (26 x 18cm). Fold-outs may be included, but at the expense of the Author.

Each Author is offered two free pages of colour. Extra colour pages are welcome, but must be paid for by the Author - costs are in line with Blackwells standard charges, namely £150 for the first colour figure and £50 for each subsequent colour figure.

Tables should be presented both on paper and on disc. Authors are requested to express decimal fractions with full-stops, not commas. Tabulated "raw" data should be kept to a minimum.


The Journal's style of capitalisation for stratigraphic and geological terminology is as follows:

1. Stratigraphic subdivisions should follow the style of the "Geological Time Scale" of Harland, Cox, Llewellyn et al. (CUP, 1989). "Upper, Middle, Lower, Late" and "Early" should begin will an upper-case letter when applied to subdivisions which have an accepted international status.

For all other applications, these words should begin with a lower-case letter (thus: lower Oxfordian, upper Shuaiba Formation, etc).

The word "mid-" should have a lower-case first letter, and be followed by a hyphen (thus: mid-Jurassic, mid-Albian, mid-Lower Cretaceous).

2. (i) The four cardinal points of the compass, and terms such as Inner, Central, etc., should begin with an upper-case letter when they are applied adjectively to a continent, country or specific region. Thus: North Africa, East Rub al Khali, Central Oman.

(ii) In contrast, general terms such as "southern", "western", etc., should be applied to a non-specific area, and begin with a lower-case letter (e.g. northern England).

(iii) Compound points of the compass should be abbreviated to initials, both when describing direction and position. Thus: "a SEward movement", and "100 kms SSW of Riyadh".

(iv) Bearings should be in the style: S 65° E;

Locations should be in the style: 35° 33' 10".


Only those references cited in the text, tables and figures should be listed alphabetically in the bibliography, which generally should not exceed about 50 citations. Please consult a recent issue and follow the normal style for capital letters and abbreviations. Special attention should be given to checking details between text citations and listed references.

Examples of style are:

SASSEN, R., MOORE, C.H. and MEENDSEN, F.C., 1986. Concentration of source rock organic matter during carbonate diagenesis, Jurassic Smackover Formation (abstract). AAPG Bull., 70, 644-656.

MERINO, E., 1984. Survey of chemical self-patterning phenomena. In: NICOLIS, G. and BARS, F., (Eds.): Chemical instabilities; Applications in chemistry, engineering geology and material sciences. NATO Advanced Science Series C, 120, 305-328.

HENSON, F.R.S., 1948. Larger imperforate foraminifera of SW Asia. Jarrold and Sons, London, 117pp.

Page charges, publication and reprints

There are no page charges. Following Blackwells current policy, no paper overprints will be sent out to Authors by the publisher. Authors wishing to order paper overprints will have an opportunity to do so by ordering direct from the printer in Singapore; the editor will forward the necessary details at the time of publication. Each author will however be sent a print-quality pdf file of their paper on publication.

Unless their return is specifically requested, all MSs, artwork and associated digital files will be discarded three months after publication.


According to industry usage, the following abbreviations are used in the Journal: